Before converting to the DARK side, it all looked like I was going to become a useful (!) member of the society. I am a diplomed engineer, from the Technical University of Denmark, where I spent two years studying Wind Energy.
To the right, you can see me in front of a blade, on the top of the 41m Nordtank Wind Turbine at Risø.
My master thesis had the title Optimization of Wind Turbines with respect to Noise and it was done together with Siemens Wind Power A/S (Brande, Denmark). During this project, I combined a Blade Element Momentum code with a code containing semi-empirical aeroacoustic models, enabling a dynamic, simultaneous calculation of the power and the noise production from a wind turbine. The simulations were compared to real noise measurements, obtained at the Høvsøre test site for large wind turbines, and the code was coupled to an optimization tool, allowing for an optimization study. You can find a link to (the public version of) my thesis here or download it as a pdf here.
Some of this work was also presented in the following paper: Prediction and Reduction of Noise from a 2.3 MW Wind Turbine (link,pdf). According to Google scholar, by October 2018 it has reached 64 citations, which, I am being told, means it is doing very well.