Gain Notes for Revolution 2428 This revolution is extremely noisy due to strong grey filtering (end-of-revolution report shows a great deal of instrument saturation). The revolution is declared a BTI for poor energy determination, but the data can be used for imaging with not problems. Spectral information however, is not reliable. While the average gain determination over the entire revolution is acceptable, it is not possible to determine the gain for individual pointings because of the grey filtering. To get optimal results with this revolution it is necessary to use the IC gain history. See notes in revolutions prior to revolution 1433 to find out how to do this if you don't already know. All offline gain/energy corrections (including the IC tables) are based on the two Fe calibration sources in JEM-X1, for both units. Latest OSA software (version 10 and higher) automatically cuts out the first Science windows of data from each revolution to ensure that people do not use data from the instrument-settling period. This process can be overruled, but only by experienced users. JEM-X1 rating: Very bad - this should be a BTI for poor instrument gain determination. JEM-X2 rating: Very bad - should be a BTI. The JEM-X2 corrections are based on the JEM-X1 Fe calibration sources, since all the Cd sources are now too weak to use. CAO 10/11/2021