Gain Notes for Revolution 859 JEM-X1: To get optimal results with this revolution it is necessary to use the IC gain history table that has been created offline at DNSC, instead of the gain history table created automatically by OSA. If you have the newest package of IC files from ISDC and these are correctly installed, OSA will find the IC gain history table automatically and you don't need to do anything. However, if you don't have the IC gain table package from ISDC you can download the table from the gain history archive by anonymous ftp through the link provided. Download the table to some suitable subdirectory for your analysis, then set the hidden OSA parameter gainHist: gainHist="/". These files are used instead of the automatically generated gain history tables wherever there has been an unusual or non-linear behaviour of the detector gain. Using the automatic gain history table gives energy calibration that is about 5% too low throughout the revolution. This is not a problem for no spectral applications like imaging, position determination and lightcurves, but data corrected with using the IC gain history table should not be used for spectral analyses. Calibration source number 4 (purple/orange) is no longer used for calibration purposes since an anode strip directly under the source has broken and no useable signal comes from this area of the detector any longer. JEM-X2: A quite normal revolution with fine gain fitting. All the data from this revolution should be useable. The Xe line analysis confirms the good gain calibration for this revolution with all Science Windows having a Xe line position with about 2% of the ideal value. As always, however, it is suggested that users avoid the first few science windows in each revolution since this is where the instrument warms up and gain variations across the plate settle down. CAO 30/11/2009 JEM-X1 IC gain history table created, verified and delivered Using IC table Xe average is at 29.6 keV (i.e. perfect), and individual SCWs are within 2% of the ideal energy calibration. CAO 2/12/2009