SDAST Chat #114: Wednesday June 7th 2006 Participants: Stephane Paltani, Silvia Martinez-Nunez, Niels-Joergen Westergaard Carol Anne Oxborrow, Jerome Chenevez, Peter Kretschmar Summary: OSA 6.0 Development: Source extraction components still evolving Source locator for mosaics is on hold at the moment CAO to deliver IC file templates ASAP Deadline determined by ISDC Data Analysis Workshop SCO X-1 observations: Trigger limits have been set up to 50000 Problems with fitting of calibration spectra from source 4 of JEM-X1 are due to source SCO X-1 showing up as strongly as the calibration source. Moscow 2006 Meeting: PK, SB, NL and JC will be attending with posters Soren's HK webpage: Everyone should take a look and send comments to SB AI List: no developments AOB: There will be a special AO for Key Programme (KP) suggestions. These will not be limited by the usual choice of hex or 5X5 dither patterns. However, we should provide some idea of what constraints are necessary for our instruments. This should be discussed at our next Monday meeting, on Thursday. AI060607_1 CAO Jun 10 2006 Deliver template files for IC extensions OPEN to ISDC AI060607_2 CAO Jun 15 2006 Deliver test set of IC files to ISDC OPEN and Silvia for script development AI060607_3 NJW Jun 8 2006 Raise the question of dithering pattern OPEN constraints at the next Monday meeting AI060607_4 DNSC team July 2006 Send Peter a list of constraints on the OPEN free-format dithering patterns that can be used for KP proposals AI060607_5 ALL July 2006 Take a look at Soren's HK page and send OPEN him comments **** Logging Started : Wed Jun 07 10:54:17 MEST 2006 > Hi NJW! END Hi Carol Anne, enjoying the weather today? END *** jerome (~jerome@ has joined channel #jemxadr *** silvia (~silvia@ has joined channel #jemxadr Hej everyone ! Sorry for the delay ! END > Yes! The weather's fine today - better than cycling home in pouring rain! END Buenas dias Silvia! > Hi Jerome and Silvia! Is it hot in Spain Silvia? END Hello Silvia, at least you are the first one from abroad END Not too much ! The weather is lovely ! END *** stephane ( has joined channel #jemxadr Salut Stéphane! > Hi Stephane! Thanks for your suggestion about the IDL license, however Hello everybody; you all seem pretty silent, or is it just me who can't see what is going on? END OK, I see you now :) > I've moved all my IDL procedures to DNSC, and I'm doing the Xe line analysis > there. The results all look very good for recent revolutions. END > Hello everyone! We all seem to be here, so let's get started. First on the > agenda: OSA development. How's it coming along NJW? END j_src_properties is evolving these days but we have not seen a spectrum yet but much of the machinery is in place. The OSA6 release is fixed by the data analysis workshop at ISDC that will happen in October and OSA6 must be released before that. It is mandatory that the components are well tested. In particular j_src_properties will be applied to all data to find out if it works better that j_src_spectra. So we must deliver in a very short time from now. This is the message from a meeting at ISDC during my visit there last week. ... and confirmed here! j_ima_src_locator is at a stand still at the moment now that the pressure is So when is the freeze date? END Official freeze date is end of June END on j_src_properties. The first decision is that j_ima_src_locator will not go into the script but perhaps delivered with OSA6 as an extra tool. END > Okay, well I'm coming along (slower than hope, of course) with j_cor_gain, > and hope to have all the interfaces in place by the end of next week, so > that scripts and so on can be updated to handle the new functionality - > basically IC tables in - gain evolution table out. I wish I could get this > stuff done quicker, but it takes the time it takes. END Carol Anne, I didn't see the templates for the IC files; you should send them as soon as possible so that we may iterate if needed END > I'll send them tomorrow, because I'm clear on what I need now, and anyway, > I have to start generating some IC files to work on myself. END Please Carol Anne send also to me the IC files to start with the changes in the scripts. END OK, send them to Marc Turler and myself, because I'll be away end of this week, and Marc will be away in a week or so. END *** peter ( has joined channel #jemxadr Hola Peter! > Will do, Silvia, as soon as I've generated them - in a couple of days (with any luck!) END Hi there, sorry I'm late - a meeting went on longer than expected and then two urgent phoce calls. Thanks ! END > Hi Peter! We're just finishing the OSA 6.0 status. END Good morning Peter ! END > Any more comments on OSA development? END Good - have you finished the oSA 6 software :-) ? > You sound like you're very busy Peter - I suppose it'll be just a matter of Of course, do you have any doubt ? :-) > time till you've got no more time for JEM-X at all? END > Yes, the OSA 6.0 software is all finished and delivered, so we'll be taking > a few weeks off! END > Okay, if there's nothing more to say aboaut OSA 6.0, let's move on to the To Carol Anne's question: some time always, but indeed I am very busy and there are nos igns this will diminish. END > SCO X-1 observations. Could someone give us an update on the limits situation? END > To PK: I thought as much. END The HW up limit has been raised from 25000 to 50000 in the IC files jmxi_lim_gti.fits version 11. I have tested that this works from the data we kindly have obtained from the observer. he has then been oriented to apply the same fix. END Good > So that's all under control now? Any other comments before I add my two cents? END We are all eyes-opened... END Waiting for 2cents ... > Okay, I was waiting to hear from the rest o f you - anyway, we've discovered > that the problem that arose with the outliers in the gain history tables for > revolutions 410 418 and 419 (see Gain webpage for details), are in fact due > to the 4th source being so weak during heavy grey filtering, that the > source itself (i.e. SCO X-1) is as strong or stronger than this calibration > source, and it's the SCOX-1 spectral peak that the j_gain_fitting program > has occasionally been fitting. You'll be glad to hear that the most recently > delivered version of j_calib_gain_fitting (v.8.0) deals with this, and with > weak calibration sources in general. This component has been accepted by > ISDC and is being integrated into both CONS and NRT pipeline. Soren did a > very nice analysis of the theoretical size of the two spectral contribtutions > from SCOX-1 and the calibration source 4, and showed that they can well be > of similar size. END > Okay, if there are no comments let's move on to the Moscow meeting: who's > going, what are you each contributing, and how's the hotel situation? END I am going fro the full week, with (hopefully!) a poster on Vela X-1 and staying in a hotel organized and paid by the ESA Moscow Office (Metropol) END I'm not going. My colleague Pere Blay will represent my institute and post at least 3 posters. END I'm not going but I've promised to make a poster with a JEM-X catalog END > I'm not going - technical stuff isn't really welcome this time. END Niels, Søren and I will be there for the whole week at Hotel Warsaw. Good I was starting to feel a bit alone :-) END Niels and Søren have a poster each. I am supposed to contribute on Søren's and on another one first authored by NJ END > Any more comments on Moscow? END N N First after the conference, i guess! END > Next on the agenda: I'd recommend that everyone takes a look at Soren's > new housekeeping webpage where he has figures of all the HK data for the > mission: > This also has a link from the JEM-X Instrument forum. All questions and > comments to Soren: > Any comments now? END NJ already sent him some comments last week I fully agree with. END It's good to have these. What did Niels Joergen comment? END Mainly more explanation e.g. underlining that the information in on JMX1 alone. END And I suggested that the gain curve (in PHA/keV) was added as well END > any other comments before we move on? END N N N N > Okay, next on the agenda: AI list. Has anyone done anything on the list? > Has anyone logged onto the list recently to see what they're supposed to not me END > be doing? END I'm afraid no. END n > Well, no chocolate for any of you then! END > Finally AOB. Any one for AOB? END I have one: We are discussing the special AO we will have in fall to propose future Key Programmes for Integral. Key Programme obsrevation patterns need not be standard and people could propose, e.g. a 3 degree step size ratser at some funny anfgle to the Galaxy. The questions is now if we should constrain the minimum/maximum stepsize for such custom patterns. Could you guys please discuss this internally and give me some feedback. Evidently, larger steps are worse but I would need that a bit more detailed. END > That's certainly a very interesting question, Peter. NJW could you see that > this gets put on the agenda for our Monday meeting on Thursday? END Does it mean the observers will have more freedom than for other "classical" proposal OK, I will, but right away it would be difficult to set such limits since where one can just choose between 5x5 or Hex patterns? END the purpose of the observation is unknown. There seems to be a silent assumption that "uniform" JEMX coverage is wanted. END Peter, could you send an email with some more background information ? END > Yes, there must still be SOME restrictions and it would be nice to know what > these are. END I'll try. There isn't too much to say. Currently 'Hex' or 'Staring' are not considere options (tioo limiting for shared observations) But people could propose custom patterns - just a description in the justification, leaving it to us to put that intop the correct technical shape. But who is going to decide: the observer or ISWT or TAC or...? END And now one question is: what kind of limits exist by the instruments? SPI, e.g., would not like extremely close pointings. END We will give some limits in the documentation, proposers can then write what they want and the TAC decides if that is acceptable and may even play with the informatio0n. END' Sorry everybody, I have to leave. Unless there's somehting else for me, I say good be to all of you END Bye Stephane! END > Bye Stephane! I'll send the templates tomorrow. E *** stephane has left channel #jemxadr : (stephane) I thought the KP was a kind of framework imposed to the proposers. END What is KP ? END Key Program We can produce maps with JEM-X coverage percentages as a function of basic pattern length - would that be a help ? END Yes. That would be a help. To Jerome: for AO-4 it was imposed. In the future, inbetween the normal AO's there will be special AO's calling fo Key Programme ideas, some of which will then be implemented. END A Key Programme must evidently be something where many people can profit and share the data. END I see. Something totally innovative, then. END Btw. How was the TAC meeting? Do you know when people will receive the results? END > That's quite aa few criteria to bear in mind, then. END The TAC meeting was quite smooth, but it will be a while before we can send out results, because: - we first need to double check that all is consistent and resolve small incosistencies - then the global program goes to the Director of Science who approves it (hopefully) - after that approval, we edit the databases accordingly and only *then* start informing observers, so we are sure what we tell them and our database are in synch. So don't hold your breath ... > Well, thanks for the info. Any more comments? Any more AOB? Any more of For the KP associations we also need to create the full table fo "who get's what". END > anything, or shall we all go for lunch? END You go for lunch, I continue for half an hour first :-) END N Y, bye everyone, have a nice day END *** njw has left channel #jemxadr : (njw) Ok. Have a nice lunch. END Hej, hej END > It was good of you to find time for us Peter! *** jerome has left channel #jemxadr : (Ciao) > Have a nice lunch everyone! Bye! END *** silvia has left channel #jemxadr : (silvia) Bye *** Signoff: peter (ircII/tkirc)